News ID: 135566
Publish Date : 06 January 2025 - 22:14

The Only Just Solution for Palestine

By: Kayhan Int’l Staff Writer
Peace in Palestine, for both the indigenous people and for those who call themselves Israelis, will prevail only when all the Zionists, whether those born in this usurped land or whose parents and grandparents had come from other parts of the world over the past century, return to their ancestral lands.
This is the most logical solution for ending the unabated 15-month holocaust in Gaza and the genocide of Palestinians of the past eight decades by the non-Semitic illegal east European occupants of this land.
In such a case, the current catastrophe will definitely end, the Levant will at last become free of unending crises, and there will be no sleepless nights for the so-called Israelis, no rushes to bomb shelters in near stampede state as nerve-shattering sirens rent the air, and no fears of death and destruction raining down from skies.
If not, the Axis of Resistance has no other choice but to mobilize all its resources to speed up efforts for liberating Palestine through military means, even if there are setbacks in some battles of the war that will continue until ultimate victory, no matter if the cowardly enemy massacres people and destroys towns and cities.
The US ought to understand that it cannot continue to prop up the illegal Zionist by pouring hundreds of billions of dollars of the most sophisticated weapons and cash in a bid to prevent the astronomical inflation (as a result of war) destroying the life of the Israelis and forcing the Zionists to flee Occupied Palestine. 
The number of US citizens questioning the idiocy of their regime in aiding and abetting Zionist crimes against Palestinians, courtesy of the hard-earned money of the American taxpayers, is rapidly increasing.
They demand the end of the occupation of Palestine, which they say should attain its natural borders, stretching from the banks of the River Jordan to the shores of the Mediterranean Sea.
It is the just solution and the UN ought to punish the Zionist war criminals and accept the rational Proposal of the Leader of the Islamic Revolution for a referendum to determine one single country called Palestine under one single government. 
Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei whose granting of the 25-year lease of life of Israel is nearing its end, firmly maintains that in addition to the River-to-the-Sea east-west borders of Palestine, the north-south frontier stretches from the border of Lebanon to Egypt’s Sinai Peninsula.
This is indeed a humanitarian gesture for ending the unnecessary bloodshed, encouraging the reverse migration of the terrified Zionists, and helping the US to preserve its dignity, save the life of its soldiers, and keep its armaments intact from definite destruction.